Sunday, March 17, 2013

SharePoint List Pagination using Object Model
Comparing doing list pagination with Sharepoint Web Services, pagination using Sharepoint Object Model is relatively easy. Please see my article about pagination with Sharepoint Web Services. “Sharepoint List Pagination using Web Service API
All you need to do is to set the RowList preperties and ListItemCollectionPosition properties of the Query object you are going to use in the SPList GetItems() method. Please reference MSDN article "SPQuery.RowLimit Property (Microsoft.SharePoint)"
Let's start with getting list items without pagination. Normally to get list items from a Sharepoint list, you will write next code.
private void btListGetItems_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://machine/sites/AllSharepointNews/"))
using (SPWeb web = site.AllWebs["/sites/AllSharepointNews"])
SPList list = web.Lists["ITNews"];
SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
query.Query = "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Created' Ascending='FALSE' /></OrderBy>";
int index = 0;
SPListItemCollection itemList = list.GetItems(query);
foreach (SPListItem item in itemList)
rtbResult.Text += index.ToString() + " " + item["Title"] as string + Environment.NewLine;
A sample of result from running the above code.
1 Pirates of the Amazon hits the rocks - CNET News
2 Amnesia victim &#39;HM,&#39; who shed light on brain, dies - The Associated Press
3 Nokia 2605 debuts on Verizon - CNET News
4 Flickr Adds Video Playback to Mobile Site - PC Magazine
5 AT&amp;T wants a single smartphone platform on its network; I wanna fly - IntoMobile
6 IBM Launches Microsoft-Free Linux PCs - InformationWeek
7 Vista SP2 Beta Available For Public Download - InformationWeek
8 Intel Hopes to Bring Free Energy to Mobile Devices - PC World
9 Obama&#39;s Zune story crashes news site - United Press International
10 Amazon&#39;s Kindle: a great gift for Washington&#39;s Birthday? - CNET News
11 Storm Fans Lash at Critics - PC World
12 Verizon expected to release firmware update for BlackBerry Storm - CNET News
13 Apple to Sell IPhones in Wal-Mart Stores This Month (Update1) - Bloomberg
14 Google&#39;s Chrome Team Mulls Local File Restrictions - InformationWeek
15 Facebook, Google Vie for Connect Services - PC World
16 Endeavour delays return trip to Fla. until Tuesday - San Jose Mercury News
17 Apple hits 300 million App Store downloads -
18 Facebook Worm Comes From Infected Friends - InformationWeek
19 NASA delays Mars rover mission two years - CNET News
20 Intel develops fast, cheap optical links on silicon - CNET News
To add pagination functionality to this method, you need to
1.Set the RowList of the Query object.
2.Add another while loop to loop through each page
3.When GetItems is called, retrieve the SPListItemCollectionPosition object returned by the GetItems method as property of SPListItemCollection object. And set it to the same property of the Query object.
private void btListGetItemsInPages_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://machine/sites/AllSharepointNews/"))
using (SPWeb web = site.AllWebs["/sites/AllSharepointNews"])
SPList list = web.Lists["ITNews"];
SPQuery query = new SPQuery();
query.Query = "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Created' Ascending='FALSE' /></OrderBy>";
query.RowLimit = 3;
int index = 0;
int pageCount = 0;
rtbResult.Text += "------------- Page " + pageCount + "------------------" + Environment.NewLine;
SPListItemCollection itemList = list.GetItems(query);
foreach (SPListItem item in itemList)
rtbResult.Text += index.ToString() + " " + item["Title"] as string + Environment.NewLine;
query.ListItemCollectionPosition = itemList.ListItemCollectionPosition;
if (query.ListItemCollectionPosition != null)
rtbResult.Text += "PageInfo: " + itemList.ListItemCollectionPosition.PagingInfo + Environment.NewLine;
while (query.ListItemCollectionPosition != null);
Also notice that you have to reuse the same query object for all the subsequent GetItems calls. Creating new Query object will not work.
A sample out is
------------- Page 1------------------
1 Pirates of the Amazon hits the rocks - CNET News
2 Amnesia victim &#39;HM,&#39; who shed light on brain, dies - The Associated Press
3 Nokia 2605 debuts on Verizon - CNET News
PageInfo: Paged=TRUE&p_Created=20081208%2006%3a24%3a38&p_ID=20
------------- Page 2------------------
4 Flickr Adds Video Playback to Mobile Site - PC Magazine
5 AT&amp;T wants a single smartphone platform on its network; I wanna fly - IntoMobile
6 IBM Launches Microsoft-Free Linux PCs - InformationWeek
PageInfo: Paged=TRUE&p_Created=20081208%2006%3a24%3a37&p_ID=16
------------- Page 3------------------
7 Vista SP2 Beta Available For Public Download - InformationWeek
8 Intel Hopes to Bring Free Energy to Mobile Devices - PC World
9 Obama&#39;s Zune story crashes news site - United Press International
PageInfo: Paged=TRUE&p_Created=20081208%2006%3a24%3a36&p_ID=10
------------- Page 4------------------
10 Amazon&#39;s Kindle: a great gift for Washington&#39;s Birthday? - CNET News
11 Storm Fans Lash at Critics - PC World
12 Verizon expected to release firmware update for BlackBerry Storm - CNET News
PageInfo: Paged=TRUE&p_Created=20081208%2006%3a24%3a36&p_ID=13
------------- Page 5------------------
13 Apple to Sell IPhones in Wal-Mart Stores This Month (Update1) - Bloomberg
14 Google&#39;s Chrome Team Mulls Local File Restrictions - InformationWeek
15 Facebook, Google Vie for Connect Services - PC World
PageInfo: Paged=TRUE&p_Created=20081208%2006%3a24%3a35&p_ID=8
------------- Page 6------------------
16 Endeavour delays return trip to Fla. until Tuesday - San Jose Mercury News
17 Apple hits 300 million App Store downloads -
18 Facebook Worm Comes From Infected Friends - InformationWeek
PageInfo: Paged=TRUE&p_Created=20081208%2006%3a24%3a34&p_ID=5
------------- Page 7------------------
19 NASA delays Mars rover mission two years - CNET News
20 Intel develops fast, cheap optical links on silicon - CNET News
Notice I also print out the “PagingInfo” property using itemList.ListItemCollectionPosition.PagingInfo. You can see that this string returned in this property actually contains the next page’s information for the subsequent query to get the next page.
It is also worth to notice that the Shareponit web’s list view pagination is implemented in a similar way. If you turn on the list view’s pagination, the url to each paged list looks like

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